
Carnations and Snowdrops

Carnations exude a sweet, spicy fragrance with hints of clove and vanilla, while snowdrops emit a delicate, fresh scent reminiscent of clean, crisp winter air.

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Primrose and Violet

Primroses release a light, sweet scent with subtle notes of honey and lemon, while violets offer a soft, powdery fragrance with a touch of earthiness and a hint of sweetness.

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Daffodil and Jonquil

Daffodils emit a cheerful, bright fragrance with a hint of fresh greenery and a touch of citrus, evoking the essence of spring. Jonquils have a more intense, rich aroma with a sweet, spicy undertone, reminiscent of a warm and sunny garden.

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Daisies and Sweetpea

Daisies give off a clean, crisp aroma with subtle earthy undertones, resembling the scent of a meadow in full bloom. Sweetpeas offer a delicate, floral fragrance that combines a gentle sweetness with a hint of fruity notes, creating a charming and romantic bouquet.

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Lily of the Valley and Hawthorn

Lily of the valley exudes a delicate and enchanting scent that is both sweet and green, reminiscent of a woodland glade in spring. Hawthorn blossoms emit a subtle, earthy fragrance with a touch of mild sweetness, evoking the essence of a sun-dappled meadow in full bloom.

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Roses and Honeysuckle

Roses offer a classic and timeless fragrance that combines rich, velvety floral notes with a subtle touch of sweetness, creating a romantic and captivating aroma. Honeysuckle provides a sweet, nectar-like scent with hints of fruity and honeyed undertones, evoking the essence of a summer garden in full bloom.

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Larkspur and Waterlily

Larkspur emits a fresh, herbaceous fragrance with a hint of sweetness and a touch of earthiness, reminiscent of a wildflower meadow in the countryside. Water lilies offer a clean and aquatic scent with delicate floral notes, evoking the tranquility of a serene pond or lake.

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Gladiolus and Poppy

Gladiolus exude a slightly spicy, earthy scent with sweet floral notes, reminiscent of a summer garden in full bloom. Poppies offer a bold and vibrant fragrance with a touch of citrus and a hint of wildflower essence, creating an invigorating and captivating aroma.

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Aster and Morning Glory

Asters release a fresh, earthy aroma with subtle herbal undertones and a touch of wildflower sweetness, reminiscent of a meadow in full bloom. Morning Glories offer a light, ethereal fragrance with hints of musk and a delicate floral note, evoking the essence of a serene garden at dawn.

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Marigold and Cosmos

Marigolds emit a robust and pungent fragrance with spicy, earthy undertones, evoking a warm and sunny garden. Cosmos offer a light, sweet scent with subtle hints of vanilla and a touch of fresh greenery, reminiscent of a cheerful wildflower bouquet.

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Chrysanthemums and Peonies

Chrysanthemums release a clean, slightly earthy aroma with herbal undertones and a hint of spice, reminiscent of a serene autumn garden. Peonies offer a sweet and enchanting fragrance with floral notes of rose and a subtle touch of fruitiness, creating a romantic and captivating bouquet.

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Narcissus and Holly

Narcissus exudes a sweet and heady scent with hints of floral and a touch of spice, reminiscent of a springtime garden. Holly leaves emit a fresh, slightly bitter fragrance with a subtle evergreen note, evoking the crispness of winter in the forest.

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